Saturday, December 10, 2011



Associations Unite At EAG International Expo

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 08:38 AM PST

With its 75th Anniversary taking place in November 2011 and its annual dinner set for 23rd January 2012, BALPPA members are certainly not short on reasons to celebrate.

It's no coincidence that BALPPA's annual dinner and AGM will take place during the EAG International Expo which the association announced its support of earlier this year.

BALPPA's primary mission is to support the interests of its 300 or so members in the parks and attractions sector and to lobby on their behalf, as CEO Jeremy Reed explains: "We have informal associations with a number of exhibitions serving the parks and attractions sector.

“We've closely observed EAG International Expo's progress and concluded that many of our members would be well served by the show, in fact several are already active participants.

"The EAG International Expo also provides the perfect vehicle for BALPPA to showcase itself and bring the attractions sector to the forefront. We believe that we share a common philosophy with BACTA and the EAG International Expo which is one of being true to our roots but embracing the future.

"By synchronising some key dates in BALPPA's calendar, we've made it simple for our members to visit the show and benefit from the networking opportunities, seminar programmes and product presentations for which the EAG International Expo is justifiably proud," he added.

BALPPA is currently active in many areas that also impact heavily on the coin-op sector. These include the issues created by the proposed Machines Game Duty and lobbying for a reduction in VAT on admissions income within the tourism sector.

EAG International Expo has always prided itself on being more than just an Expo and there is no doubt that the industry is going through turbulent times. BALPPA's members have a great deal in common with the show's many stakeholders including working to convince Government to take on board the true value of the coin-op, amusements and attractions sectors and to understand the difficulties currently being confronted.

There is always much to be derived from uniting in difficult times and the EAG International Expo will play its part as a forum for those intent on innovating, staying competitive and delivering great value to their customers.


Slot Summit Hanover Germany March 20 – 22 2012

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 08:34 AM PST

E Service Enthusiastic For EAG International

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 08:26 AM PST

On 24th – 26th January 2012, the third EAG International Expo will open its doors to an anticipated 6,000 visitors from the UK, Europe and beyond. The show will witness the launch of new and innovative products for every sector of the coin op, amusement and attractions industries.

E Service is a company focused on supporting operators and equipment owners in ensuring that they continue to secure a return on their investment, long after the excitement of the show has passed.

Started by Managing Director Mike Clokie eight years ago, E-Service supports UK and European operators with replacement parts, repairs and consumables. The company's passion for service and efficiency has earned E Service 'Approved Service Contractor' status with some of the industry's most trusted brands, including Azkoyen, 3M, Wells Gardner, Kortek, Tovis and JCM.

E-Service's reputation is such that casino gaming industry giant, ShuffleMaster, has entrusted the company with its entire UK support operation.

Mike Clokie was an early supporter of the EAG International Expo and is enthusiastic about exhibiting for the third year: 'EAG International Expo is an excellent grass-roots show. It provides a great opportunity to meet operators and for us it ticks every box.

“The size of the show is perfect and we like the fact that everyone, including visitors, gets behind it. We exhibit at some regional shows, both in the UK and Europe, but EAG International Expo is E Service's main show; it delivers real value," he confirmed.

E-Service plans to show products from its huge array of parts, along with a new range of LED lighting. New for the show will be an assortment of retro-fit kits for games originally incorporating projectors. Operators can extend the life of successful games by replacing the projectors with large TFT monitors, thereby optimising the return on their original investment.

Mike Clokie is particularly enthusiastic about the company's 'Van Run' scheme and is looking forward to presenting the benefits of this recently extended service: "We use our own fleet of vans to deliver and collect parts for repair or exchange. This way we have total control and the customer receives a better service whilst achieving substantial savings on couriers and packaging," he explained.

Keen to maximise the opportunity, the E-Service team will be out in force at EAG International. Mike Clokie will be supported by Sales Manager Paul Smith who will be attending with his newly extended team, along with Operations Manager Tristan Wormell and a number of technical personnel.

The amusement and coin-op industries are characterised by the adoption of new technologies and the provision of competitively priced technical support is a crucial element. A visit to the E-Service stand is a must for operators seeking a reliable support partner with a passion for innovation and efficiency.



See The Big Deal in the Gardens – Register Today

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 08:20 AM PST