Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Women's Views on News

Women's Views on News

Ghana to promote women in politics


Summary of story from, December 19, 2011 Despite efforts by women's groups and activists, women in Ghana remain excluded and underrepresented at all levels of governance. Although Ghana has made great strides in women holding decision-making positions in government – the current Chief Justice is female, as is the Speaker of Parliament – women [...]

Peru releases American prisoner on parole visit


Summary of story from BBC News, December 20, 2011 An American woman who has served 15 years in prison in Peru for aiding left-wing rebels is back in the United States on a parole visit. Lori Berenson, 42, flew into New Jersey on Tuesday morning to visit her family in New York City – the [...]

One in 20 Scots is victim of stalking or harassment


Summary of story from BBC News Scotland, December 20, 2011 One in 20 Scottish adults has experienced some sort of stalking or harassment in the past year, according to a new study by the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey. The survey found that the percentage of Scots suffering from at least one form of stalking [...]

Healthcare fails South African women


Summary of story from Mail & Guardian Online, December 20, 2011 Pregnant women and new mothers in South Africa are abused regularly by health workers, especially nurses, who were supposed to provide them with care, according to Human Rights Watch. The abuse includes ridiculing or ignoring women’s needs when in pain, unnecessary delays in providing [...]

Philippine police’s ‘whistle blowing’ campaign to end violence against women


Summary of story from Manila Bulletin Publishing Corporation, December 20, 2011 Police in Pampanga, Philippines, blew whistles to demonstrate their support for the Anti-Violence Against Women campaign spearheaded by the United Nations. Their action, organised by the Gender and Development Coordinating Committee (GADCC), is part of an 18-day campaign aimed at ending violence against women. [...]

Progress made for Malta’s working mothers


Summary of story from Times of Malta, December 20, 2011 For years, Malta has debated the need for more women to enter the labour market. Not so long ago Maltese women were forced to make tough choices between their careers and taking care of a family. And though still near the bottom of the list [...]

Thousands of women mass in Tahrir Square


Summary of story from The New York Times, December 20, 2011 Thousands of women massed in Tahrir Square, Cairo, on Tuesday in protest at the treatment of women by the military police under Egypt’s continued military rule. Many of the protestors held posters of the image of a group of soldiers pulling the headscarf off [...]

Clinton calls for women to be agents of peace


Summary of story from Georgetown Patch, December 19, 2011 US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton this week announced a new effort by government agencies to engage women in the critical processes of peacemaking, prevention programs and nation building in conflict zones. “Women are not just victims of war they are agents of peace,” said Clinton [...]

Clinton calls treatment of Egyptian women ‘a disgrace’


Summary of Story from Yahoo News, December 20, 2011 US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has blasted Egypt’s new establishment for its mistreatment of women. Speaking at Georgetown University, Clinton said “This systematic degradation of Egyptian women dishonors the revolution, disgraces the state and its uniform and is not worthy of a great people.” She also denounced a [...]

France calls on women to get faulty breast implants removed


Summary of story from BBC, December 20, 2011 French authorities are to ask 30,000 women who received potentially defective silicone breast implants to have them removed. There are concerns that the implants supplied by Poly Implant Prothese (PIP) carry potential health risks. Investigations by the French Society of Plastic Surgeons last year found that PIP implants [...]

Strauss-Kahn’s wife Anne Sinclair wins French “Woman of the Year” poll


Summary of story from Reuters, December 19, 2011 Anne Sinclair, wife of former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn, has won the "Woman of the Year" poll run by the online women’s magazine, Terrafemina. Sinclair, a wealthy art heiress and TV journalist, took pride of place ahead of the new IMF chief chief Christine Lagarde and way [...]

Croatia’s women face the brunt of unemployment


Summary of story from WeNews, December 20, 2011 Croatian women over 50 and those of childbearing age are having a tough time finding work in an economy saddled with a jobless rate running at over 17 percent. Biserka Kristofic, 50, has been battling depression and anxiety for over a year. She says: “I'm too old [...]

Former Miss Venezuela dies of breast cancer at 28


Summary of story from The Telegraph, December 20, 2011 The former Miss Venezuela, Eva Ekvall, has died following a two year battle with breast cancer.  She was 28. Ekvall was crowned Miss Venezuela at just 17 years old in 2000.  In the following year she was third runner-up in the Miss Universe pageant in Puerto Rico. [...]

Raven Kaliana – puppeteer, filmmaker and survivor of commercial child abuse


Una Purdie WVoN co-editor  "My parents sold me into the child pornography industry." These are words that nobody should ever have to utter. For most of us, it’s unimaginable. But for London based puppeteer, filmmaker and human rights activist Raven Kaliana, it’s reality. The US born artist lays bare her harrowing experiences at the premiere [...]

New policy to curb gender-based violence in Tanzania


Summary of story from The Citizen, December 18, 2011 Victims of gender-based violence in Tanzania will now be able to seek medical attention before filing a police form (PF3), according to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. New policy guidelines launched on Friday are aimed at reducing the prevalence of gender-based violence in Tanzania. [...]

Nigerian women face barriers to political participation


Summary of story from Open Democracy, December 19, 2011 The prevailing patriarchal attitude dictating that a woman's place is in the home and not in public life is a continuing barrier to women's political participation in Nigeria. While women are gaining some political ground thanks to President Goodluck Jonathon's National Gender Policy, which aims for [...]