Thursday, March 8, 2012



Daniel van Marissing No Longer Part of EGT’s Team

Posted: 07 Mar 2012 09:53 AM PST

After 3 1/2 years as Sales and Marketing Director with EGT Daniel van Marissing has left the company to pursue other opportunities within the industry.

Daniel says "I have enjoyed my time with EGT immensely. I knew from the start that EGT had a great product and a lot of potential. It has been my pleasure to be part of a team that has helped realise the position of EGT in the worldwide market place. EGT now supplies Casinos, is 60 different countries and continued growth will be assured due to the quality product they produce."

We, from EGT's management team, have spent three extremely successful and productive years working with Daniel van Marissing. We have been impressed by his professional experience, expert opinion and original and innovative approach. It is with warmest personal regards that we wish Daniel success as he assumes his new position at Merkur Gaming and thank him for contributing to our company.

EGT's Management Team


SAPAR celebrates its 50th anniversary at ENADA Spring

Posted: 07 Mar 2012 09:25 AM PST


To celebrate the 50th anniversary of its activity, Italy's national SAPAR association is organizing a Social Evening, with dinner and a live show featuring popular actor Enrico Brignano.

The evening will be held on Thursday 15th March, at 8.00 pm, at Rimini's Palacongressi
conference centre (Via della Fiera 23). The evening is open to everyone.

SAPAR members and exhibitors have the right to free admission, whereas a participation fee is required for each guest and/or relative.

Palacongressi conference centre

For further information and reservations contact the SAPAR office
(Monica – +39 06 4402718 – fax +39 06 4403756 During the expo, reservations will be accepted on the SAPAR stand Hall A5/C5.


Following today’s findings from the UK Cards Association on decreased card fraud, Nick Mothershaw, Director of Identity & Fraud Services at Experian UK & Ireland comments:

Posted: 07 Mar 2012 08:48 AM PST

"Today's report of a decrease in credit and debit card fraud is evidence of the continued efforts by UK organisations to combat fraud.  However, it's not all good news, and our own data shows that whilst some areas of financial services have seen a decrease in fraud, the threat has shifted to other areas where fraudsters perceive points of weakness.

“Times of financial strain always see instances of fraud increase, so whilst card fraud is down over the last year, other areas of financial services are experiencing higher levels of threat from both first party and professional fraudsters.

“Experian data shows a surge in mortgage fraud in the latter parts of 2011, amounting to a 77% increase on the previous year.

"It's good to see that fraud protection is a priority across financial services organisations, but it's important to remain on top of the threat and invest in technology that stays a step ahead of the fraudsters."



Quixant to exhibit its wide range all in one gaming boards at Enada Rimini 2012

Posted: 07 Mar 2012 06:18 AM PST

Quixant will be exhibiting its full range of gaming boards at Enada 2012 in Rimini (Italy). Hall C5 stand 001. The exhibition will take place at Rimini exhibition centre and runs from the 13th – 16th March 2012.

The main focus of interest will be the QXi-106, our all-in-one platform specifically designed to meet the requirements of the Italian "Comma 6a" slot machine market, including AAMS protocol and game storage integrated onto the motherboard and packaged in a convenient slim case that needs no external security enclosure.

The QXi-106 utilises a high performance AMD 64-bit CPU combined with advanced ATI graphics together with dedicated hardware to provide compliance with Article 110, Comma 6a of T.U.L.P.S. Quixant is officially accredited by AAMS (Amministrazione Autonoma dei Monopoli di Stato) for the production of gaming platforms for the Italian market.

Gary Mullins, Sales Director of Quixant Ltd said, "The QXi-106 makes it so easy to develop and deploy the best possible performing games quickly and efficiently. We are quite unique in that we actually provide the protocol for the AAMS -smart card communication. This makes the creator of 6A games much faster and the approval process overmuch easier and shorter"

Also, on show will be the QXi-200, the first "all-in-one" gaming PC available on the market to utilise AMD "Fusion" technology in the form of the G-series embedded APUs.  AMD Fusion technology delivers a number of distinct benefits to the QXi-200; namely increased CPU and Graphics performance, extremely low power consumption and a very competitive price.

About Quixant Ltd Quixant designs and manufactures the world's most sophisticated computer platforms for slot machines. Uniquely, Quixant supplies complete solutions, combining advanced hardware together with integrated operating software, gaming libraries and communication protocols. Quixant supports its systems with powerful game development and debugging software tools, dramatically reducing development timescales for new games.

Quixant  UK Contact: Gary Mullins +44 (0) 7971 968465

Quixant Italy contact: Sabrina Bernardini  +39 0765 400408 Press release online: