Friday, October 19, 2012

Getting the right mindset for stock market investing

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UK Value Investing Weekly


I've decided to go back to basics this week to look at stock market investing from the most basic position possible.  It's only by having the right foundations that investors can hope to have any level of success, and so I hope you'll find my "investor's mindset" a simple, common sense and rational approach to the stock market.

The investor's mindset
The most important thing for active, self-directed stock market investors to have is the right mindset.  Having the right mindset can help you ride out the ups and downs of the market, and keep you focused on the things that really matter.  It can also help you take advantage of the manic depressive Mr Market, buying shares when they are cheap and selling them when they are not so cheap.  That’s easy to say, but in reality most investors fail to buy low and sell high, and most investors fail to get anywhere near the returns of a simple, passive index tracking strategy..... Read this article now >>
As always I'm always happy to answer questions or comments you may have.  You can reply to this email, get in touch online, or add a comment to any article on the web site.

Yours sincerely

John Kingham

P.S. This email and the related research are not investment advice or a solicitation to invest, or not to invest.  Please seek professional financial advice if you think you need it.
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