Hi I think people often underestimate how much discipline is needed to be a successful investor, so in this article I've summarised some of the critically important traits of great investors which relate to discipline, and which also parallel the work of Jim Collins in his business book, Great by Choice. How to be a great investor, by choice Great investors do exist and, although you cannot change your innate talent, there are many things you can do if greatness is what you aspire to..... Read this article now >> Please feel free to get in touch with any questions or comments you may have. You can reply to this email, get in touch online, or add a comment to any article on the web site. Yours sincerely  John Kingham Editor P.S. This email and the related research are not investment advice or a solicitation to invest, or not to invest. Please seek professional financial advice if you think you need it. The value of investments and their income can go down as well as up and you may not get back the amount you invested. |