Tuesday, April 2, 2013

MoneyScience News

MoneyScience News

Blog Post: TheAlephBlog: The Education of an Investment Risk Manager, Part IV

Posted: 02 Apr 2013 01:23 AM PDT

One day, when I was least expecting it, the Spanish Inquisition arrived, otherwise known as internal audit.read more...

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Blog Post: TheFinancialServicesClub: 400 years of boom and bust

Posted: 02 Apr 2013 01:11 AM PDT

I just had a quick tour of the British Museum inspired by an article I read in The Telegraph about their exhibition of British bubbles and bankruptcies. read more...

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Blog Post: Falkenblog: Chimps are Status Obsessed

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 08:12 PM PDT

In this TED talk by Colin Camerer, he notes that chimps are human's closest cousins.  They are also status obsessed. In contrast, the concept of wealth is totally foreign to a chimp, as property rights aren't something they can really handle.In my book, the Missing Risk Premium, I argue the fundamental status orientation is why there is no risk premium in general, and why the perverse demand...

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Published / Preprint: Do wealth distributions follow power laws? Evidence from "rich lists". (arXiv:1304.0212v1 [q-fin.ST])

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 05:37 PM PDT

We use data on wealth of the richest persons taken from the "rich lists" provided by business magazines like Forbes to verify if upper tails of wealth distributions follow, as often claimed, a power-law behaviour. The data sets used cover the world's richest persons over 1996-2012, the richest Americans over 1988-2012, the richest Chinese over 2006-2012 and the richest Russians over 2004-2011....

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Published / Preprint: Why Your IT Project Might Be Riskier Than You Think. (arXiv:1304.0265v1 [q-fin.GN])

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 05:37 PM PDT

New research shows surprisingly high numbers of out-of-control tech projects - ones that can sink entire companies and careers.

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Published / Preprint: An Information-Theoretic Test for Dependence with an Application to the Temporal Structure. (arXiv:1304.0353v1 [q-fin.ST])

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 05:37 PM PDT

Information theory provides ideas for conceptualising information and measuring relationships between objects. It has found wide application in the sciences, but economics and finance have made surprisingly little use of it. We show that time series data can usefully be studied as information -- by noting the relationship between statistical redundancy and dependence, we are able to use the...

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Published / Preprint: An Iterated Az\'{e}ma-Yor Type Embedding for Finitely Many Marginals. (arXiv:1304.0368v1 [math.PR])

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 05:37 PM PDT

We propose an iterated Azema-Yor type embedding in the spirit of [Azema and Yor, 1979] and [Brown et al., 2001] for any given finite number n of probability measures which are in convex order and satisfy an additional technical assumption. In particular, our construction reproduces the stopping boundaries obtained in [Madan and Yor, 2002] and [Brown et al., 2001a]. We demonstrate with a...

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Published / Preprint: A Mathematical Approach to Order Book Modeling. (arXiv:1010.5136v4 [q-fin.TR] UPDATED)

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 05:37 PM PDT

Motivated by the desire to bridge the gap between the microscopic description of price formation (agent-based modeling) and the stochastic differential equations approach used classically to describe price evolution at macroscopic time scales, we present a mathematical study of the order book as a multidimensional continuous-time Markov chain and derive several mathematical results in the case of...

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Blog Post: iMFdirect: Make the Most of What You've Got: Small States in the Spotlight

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 08:05 AM PDT

By Min Zhu

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Published / Preprint: Product Market Threats, Payouts, and Financial Flexibility

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 06:58 AM PDT

We examine how product market threats influence firm payout policy and cash holdings. Using firms' product text descriptions, we develop new measures of competitive threats. Our primary measure, product market fluidity, captures changes in rival firms' products relative to the firm's products. We show that fluidity decreases firm propensity to make payouts via dividends or repurchases and...

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Blog Post: PatrickBurns: A pictorial history of US large cap correlation

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 05:07 AM PDT

How has the distribution of correlations changed over the last several years?read more...

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