You may (or may not) have noticed that the UK Value Investor web site has been down most of this week. This has been my first lesson in the wonderful world of web host customer support, of which there seems to be very little. The site should be back up next week (with a different web host) and normal service will resume.
Thank you for your patience if you've been trying to access the site.
Since I can't post a new article onto the site, I though I'd link to a few things I've seen this week which you may be interested in.
John Bogle Interview - Investment vs Speculation
This is a YouTube video with an investment hero of mine - John Bogle, founder of the Vanguard Group. Even though I'm an active investor who doesn't think the markets are efficient, and that they can be beaten with a sound approach, I still think that most investors should invest passively. Bogle effectively invented mainstream passive investing.
He's a hugely sensible chap, with zero BS and a clear sense of fiduciary duty to his fundholders.
This video comes via, which I think is probably the best source of interviews with fund managers and the like (US based of course).
Catch up on equity week (Morningstar)
If you'd rather read something than watch a video, this is a great collection of articles covering a wide range of investment topics.
Manager insights from the Morningstar investment conference
This is another series of links to videos about a range of investment subjects. My favorite video is below.
How to avoid being your portfolio's own worst enemy
Good overview about why it's so important to have a systematic set of written rules (written in times of calm) to stick to through thick and thin, especially when the markets are scary. E.g. "only ever make investment decisions at the weekend", i.e. when the markets are closed and you can't make a quick, knee-jerk decision. Or, sleep on any decision for 24 hours.
I hope you find some of that useful. Have a nice weekend and let's see if this market rally resumes next week,
John Kingham
Editor, UK Value Investor