Monday, June 16, 2014

MoneyScience News

MoneyScience News

Blog Post: TheFinancialServicesClub: The Digital Revolution is like Marmite for Banks

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 03:06 AM PDT

I presented at a conference in Italy the other more...

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Blog Post: TheAlephBlog: The Value That Investment Advisers Deliver

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 03:04 AM PDT

I got cold-called this last week while I was away on business.  I googled the phone number, and found that it came from Melitello Capital.  I went through their site, and read most of their more...

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Published / Preprint: Factor Models for Alpha Streams. (arXiv:1406.3396v1 [q-fin.PM])

Posted: 15 Jun 2014 05:38 PM PDT

We propose a framework for constructing factor models for alpha streams. Our motivation is threefold. 1) When the number of alphas is large, the sample covariance matrix is singular. 2) Its out-of-sample stability is challenging. 3) Optimization of investment allocation into alpha streams can be tractable for a factor model alpha covariance matrix. We discuss various risk factors for alphas such...

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Published / Preprint: Decoding Stock Market Behavior with the Topological Quantum Computer. (arXiv:1406.3531v1 [q-fin.GN])

Posted: 15 Jun 2014 05:37 PM PDT

A surprising image of the stock market arises if the price time series of all Dow Jones Industrial Average stock components are represented in one chart at once. The chart evolves into a braid representation of the stock market by taking into account only the crossing of stocks and fixing a convention defining overcrossings and undercrossings. The braid of stocks prices has a remarkable...

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Blog Post: ThePracticalQuant: Feature Engineering

Posted: 15 Jun 2014 10:07 AM PDT

Researchers and startups are building tools that enable feature discovery[A version of this post appears on the O'Reilly Data blog.]Why do data scientists spend so much time on data wrangling and data preparation? In many cases it's because they want access to the best variables with which to build their models. These variables are known as features in machine-learning parlance. For many0 data...

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