Welcome to Casino Life. It's that time again and G2E is here again. This will be my 14th year (I missed one through falling through my loft floor) and probably of all of them it's the one that I anticipate the most. The industry, after a period of doldrums, has snapped back. True, some have fallen by the wayside but those that pushed ahead with R&D, diversification (looking at new geographical areas, core business or new platforms and services) and strategic takeover plans are now sitting pretty. I'm looking forward, like many of the operators we know, to having our heads spun by new games - and new innovations. Someone who is at the tiller of such global navigation is Sabby Gill at IGT. We're pleased to interview him ahead of the show and I like his statement that they have 4,000+ employees and no part of the market is more popular or successful - different markets - different players and a workforce making success happen on different platforms throughout the world. Another example of this is the MEI merge with CPS and the subsequent launch of a bigger better company - CPI - Crane Payment Innovations. We're again pleased to be able to discuss their plans ahead of the show and the wide range of portfolio they are able to offer globally to meet every payment system requirement. Good to also hear of their partnership with Transact. Operator interviews are our core business and we are pleased this month to feature both Armin Karu - a regular stalwart of the magazine - and Mark Abba of Hard Rock Ohio. Different gaming environments but a common theme prevails. Penultimately, hats off to CHIPS - the Gaming Industry charity that raised a phenomenal amount a few weeks ago at their annual golf event. My business partner would prefer his score was not revealed - but we are pleased to be associated with the event each year. And finally, we are pleased that the magazine - and its promotion of the Drexel university gaming course has meant we have had our logo neatly added to their list of partners. So, see you in Las Vegas - please get in touch with us if you'd like to meet up at our booth. glyn@ace123.com Glyn Thomas Editor in Chief |