Thursday, August 27, 2015

MoneyScience News

MoneyScience News

Blog Post: TheAlephBlog: When to Deploy Capital

Posted: 27 Aug 2015 02:48 AM PDT

Photo Credit: edkohler || Buy Now and smile!

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The stock bubble is bursting, not correcting

Posted: 27 Aug 2015 02:16 AM PDT

The stock bubble bursting, not correcting — moneyscience (@moneyscience) August 27, 2015

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Published / Preprint: Choice of Collateral Currency Updated-A market model for the benchmark pricing-. (arXiv:1508.06339v1 [q-fin.PR])

Posted: 26 Aug 2015 05:37 PM PDT

Collateralization with daily margining and the so-called OIS-discounting have become a new standard in the post-crisis financial market. Although there appeared a large amount of literature to deal with a so-called multi-curve framework, a complete picture for a multi-currency setup with currency funding spreads, which are necessary to explain non-zero cross currency basis, can be rarely found...

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Published / Preprint: A white noise approach to insider trading. (arXiv:1508.06376v1 [q-fin.PM])

Posted: 26 Aug 2015 05:36 PM PDT

We present a new approach to the optimal portfolio problem for an insider with logarithmic utility. Our method is based on white noise theory, stochastic forward integrals, Hida-Malliavin calculus and the Donsker delta function.

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Published / Preprint: Financial Market Modeling with Quantum Neural Networks. (arXiv:1508.06586v1 [q-fin.CP])

Posted: 26 Aug 2015 05:36 PM PDT

Econophysics has developed as a research field that applies the formalism of Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics to address Economics and Finance problems. The branch of Econophysics that applies of Quantum Theory to Economics and Finance is called Quantum Econophysics. In Finance, Quantum Econophysics' contributions have ranged from option pricing to market dynamics modeling, behavioral...

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Hong Kong Dollar Options Suggest Peg Is Most at Risk in a Decade

Posted: 26 Aug 2015 04:16 AM PDT

There's been a big surge in betting that Hong Kong's peg will break via @fion_li — Joseph Weisenthal (@TheStalwart) August 26, 2015

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Does Blockchain technology work? - BBC News

Posted: 26 Aug 2015 02:57 AM PDT

Does #Blockchain technology work? - BBC News via @Bitcoin — D. Geromichalos ScD (@dg_risk) August 26, 2015

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Published / Preprint: Dynamic asset allocation

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 09:37 PM PDT

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Published / Preprint: Market-wide sentiment and market returns

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 09:37 PM PDT

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Published / Preprint: Multistage stochastic optimization for private equity investments

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 09:37 PM PDT

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