Thursday, January 21, 2016

Casino Life January 2016

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...and a Happy New Year to you all, although most of us are getting a bit tired of hearing it past the first week. Here in Ukraine there is also Orthodox Christmas followed by the "Old" Orthodox New Year (still with me?). It all adds up to a holiday overload I'll be pleased to come out of to be honest.
It's that shaking off of the past and embracing the future that helps ICE maintain a fresh feel – not an easy task each year but being at the start is an asset.  It would be too easy to just rely on the show being a success but I've been impressed by the innovative branding in recent years – From Retro pop to Jules Verne and now Technopolis. The theme captures the essence of why the event is so successful in that exhibitors are keen to display the fruits of labour from their R&D whilst visitors in turn want to see the innovations that lie ahead. I'm looking forward to becoming a citizen.
Back to this issue and Peter White kicks off with a UK-based feature talking to Mike Rothwell, MD at Caesars Entertainment UK about how their offering benefits from the parent companies clout yet remains distinctly different. I had a chance recently to catch up with Matt Hurst of Tiger Resorts about how he and his team have steered Manila Bay Resorts towards opening later this year. David Mckee completes the trio of casino operator interviews by sitting down with Don Carano of the successful Eldorado Resorts Operation which is in the right place at the right time: Reno. The city is undergoing a transformation as Tesla, Apple, Switch and Amazon set up parts of their business in the region. Long overdue regeneration is happening.
Giulio Corragio is a regular visitor to my email inbox with a blog and news service that focuses on the "Internet of things" (google it before it goggles you) and is an expert on all things gaming happening in Italy. We're pleased to welcome the first of what should be an interesting series of columns throughout 2016.
David Switzer pulls no punches in telling casinos to sharpen up their act and it all makes good reading  – and a lot of sense. Go to it guys and let us know if his suggestions worked! Bob Ambrose likens the current debate over Fantasy Sports to Aesops fables  - using the tried and tested Tortoise and Hare story to make the point that nothing is a foregone conclusion. Meanwhile Victor Royer looks closely at Slant Tops and the question of form over function – an aspect that may be ruining a player's game. Paul McGee, a leading expert and speaker on workplace change, looks at the four myths of customer service (only four?) and challenges whether we have got it right.  Finally Mark Wayman founder of the Foundation executive placement company let's us all in on the key 10 questions we need to face if we are being interviewed for a senior level job – and why.
Not a bad start to the year.
Glyn Thomas

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